
“林彪集团事变”始末 | The Failed Exodus by Lin Biao [Eng Sub] 不吐不快的有货君



I. 林彪的军事生涯

A. 国共内战时期的第一任主要领导人 B. 被新军打败,重整旗鼓,拿到苏联装备 C. 军事史上的奇迹,以一比十的比例歼灭对手 D. 毕业于黄埔四期,参加南昌起义和北伐 E. 任八路军师长,率部参加平型关战役,赴苏联抗战

II. 林彪的身体和心理状况 A. 自律神经紊乱,形成怕风怕水怕冷的毛病 B. 重新发挥军事指挥才能,预测希特勒策略 C. 受到苏联人的高度重视

III. 林彪的政治生涯 A. 成立中华人民共和国后,任军委副主席兼国家副总理 B. 毛泽东提议林彪领导朝鲜,但林彪拒绝 C. 早在井冈山,林彪是毛派 D. 1929年红四军七大,林彪支持毛泽东 E. 1955年中共八大全票选举毛泽东为党主席,林彪也投票给毛 F. 林彪职务有所提升,但在1957年后基本没有参与政治活动,隐居。

欢迎来到带你看世界的频道 前不久我们讲了薄熙来政变的全过程 其实建国后历史上还有另外一场政变 那就是林彪集团的政变 比薄熙来的版本惊险多了 今天一起来了解一下 这篇文章的内容都是后来我在蒋介石失去大陆视频中提到的史料整理 00:23 林彪是国共内战时期中国共产党的第一任主要领导人 林彪在东北被新军孙立人打败 国军战神 退守北岸 松花江 之后林彪重整旗鼓 拿到了苏联交给日本的重炮装备 后来林彪从零下30度的黑龙江千里迢迢杀到零上40度的海南岛 00:44 内战大逆转 辽沉平晋 林彪的部队经常以一比十的比例歼灭对手 堪称军事史上的奇迹 林彪早年毕业于黄埔四期 年 参加南昌起义和北伐 甲午战争爆发后 林彪任八路军115师师长 率部参加平型关战役 后赴苏联抗战 从脊柱枪伤中恢复过来 01:08 从此林彪就形成了怕风怕水怕冷的毛病 那是严重的自律神经紊乱 再次发挥军事指挥才能准确预测希特勒绕过马其诺防线进攻法国并绕过乌克兰直接进攻莫斯科受到苏联人的高度重视 01:33 蒋介石呼林同代韩信 中华人民共和国成立后 林彪任军委副主席兼国家副总理 1950年毛泽东提议林彪领导朝鲜 林彪 都说他有病不肯 他说中国刚解放 胜利来之不易 烧不死 他以为是斯大林怂恿 然而毛林的关系一直很牢固 01:53 早年在井冈山 林彪是毛派 1929年红四军七大 毛泽东与朱德打破分歧 朱德反对毛“党管一切”的观点 但林彪支持毛 不是 早在毛林同时进入红四军领导层之前 所以毛一直把林彪当成自己人 1955年中共八大全票选举毛泽东为党主席 02:16 而毛泽东本人也投给了林彪,可见两人关系密切,但林彪的身体实在不好,一直隐居,虽然职务有所提升,但在1957年北戴河会议后基本没有积极工作毛泽东套 钢铁翻番的目标和人民公社这为未来三年的大跃进定下了主基调我在中国经济崛起的奥秘里也提到过 02:41 大跃进导致粮食产量锐减 直接导致接下来三年的大饥荒 1959年彭德怀在庐山会议上给毛泽东写信 批评大跃进的错误 会上彭德怀也显得很生气 和骂娘 还有传言说毛一直痛恨彭在朝鲜没有保护好毛岸英 随后“彭黄章洲反党集团”被打倒 林彪接替彭德怀担任国防部长 03:04 一军委副主席 开始部属李作鹏 邱会佐 黄永生等 在军队中担任要职 担任国防部长期间 林彪坚持发展军事科技 1961年 张爱萍汇报工作 对林彪说,一些中央领导要求拆原子弹 林彪指示继续原子弹 1962年是三年大荒的最后一年,也是最悲惨的一年


  1. 全国饥饿,毛泽东被迫退居二线,刘少奇主席组织。
  2. 1962年1月七千人大会,林彪在会议上发表没有稿子的讲话。
  3. 毛泽东趁着群众造反运动,刘邓被免职,刘少奇被打成工贼卖国贼。
  4. 1966年文革开始,毛从刘邓手中夺权,林彪开始搞个人崇拜。
  5. 1966年八届三中全会,林彪的党内排名从第六位上升到第二位被提名为副主席。
  6. 林彪健康永远成为全国人民的口头禅。
  7. 1969年中共九大,林彪被确立为毛泽东的亲密同志和接班人。
  8. 自古君王多疑,莫琳开始疏远,四人帮迅速崛起。
  9. 与薄熙来版本有些相似的内讧,毛泽东和张春桥副总理赴苏州看望病愈的林彪。
03:28 全国到处都是饥饿 毛泽东被迫退居二线 刘少奇主席组织 但毛一直担任党主席 1962年1月 中共中央召开扩大工作会议 又称七千人大会 会议座无虚席 评论的声音 林彪这时候发表了没有稿子的讲话 他说,这些困难正是因为我们没有按照毛主席的思想走,毛主席的思想永远是正确的 03:53 但是我们有的战友说是在执行毛主席的指示,其实已经不在了,下面本来不高兴的毛当场表扬了林彪,后来毛泽东趁着群众造反运动,大字报枪响了“刘邓指挥” ” 邓被免职 刘少奇被打成工贼卖国贼 走资头号后来惨死在开封 刘邓真的很冤枉 他们只是想早日把国民经济从疯狂中恢复过来 04:20 1966年文革开始 毛从刘邓手中夺权 林彪开始搞个人崇拜 他称“毛主席是天才” 1966年八届三中全会上 林彪的 党内排名从第六位上升到第二位被提名为唯一的副主席一人以下一万人万岁毛主席万岁林副主席健康永远成为全国人民的口头禅 04:44 前面说了,林彪身体不好,接替他的野心可能不大 曾陪毛到金水桥接见红卫兵 走不回来 1969年中共九大正式入党 党章中“林彪同志属于毛泽东同志的亲密同志和接班人”这时毛76岁林彪只有62岁然而好景不长 05:08 自古君王多疑 莫琳开始疏远 在“打倒刘邓”的同时 四人帮迅速崛起 成为毛红人 他们视林彪集团为眼中钉 这接班人的内讧 与薄熙来版本有些相似 根据胡乔木毛泽东书记的文件 九大后毛泽东和张春桥副总理赴苏州看望病愈的林彪 
席间,毛问林彪“我老了,你身体不好”,毛健林一言不发,问林彪“你觉得小张怎么样”,这突如其来的 问题让林彪不知如何回答 这是毛林隔阂的开端 1970年毛泽东反对在宪法中设立国家主席一职 林彪周恩来菲玛丽博德里等人集体反对
林彪的四大金刚空军司令员之一 吴法宪 也是因为征兵与张春桥的矛盾 8月的第三次庐山会议 陈伯达 党内第四名,也是常委 林彪说 彪的意图 会议的主题是经济发展 这与毛的革命纲领不符 陈伯达是毛的秘书 这让毛不高兴 林彪在会议上点名批评张春桥
后来吴法宪陈伯达王东兴公开批评张春桥得到了广大人民群众的支持很多中央委员误认为毛已经放弃了张春桥积极效忠毛泽东和林彪毛的另一位宠臣许世友甚至 写信要求劳改张春桥 会议激怒了毛 还搞了“批陈整风” 林彪也哑口无言
林后来多次求毛都不见他 莫琳从此分道扬镳 现在回过头来看 毛显然不喜欢当时的老太子 要立新太子 那就是红人张春桥 先来看看背景吧 当时毛泽东在大跃进和饥荒之后被迫退居二线,他不愿意这样做他发动的文化大革命不仅是为了夺回领导权,也是为了回到他的阶级革命路线
同时 林彪表面上搞个人崇拜 但是他并没有表现出100%支持毛的路线 所以毛认为林彪不靠谱 只有他死后四人帮会坚持他的路线 所以毛决定进攻 林彪军委和林夫人叶群 顺便说一句 其实六七十年代发生的事情 天灾人祸 内乱兵变 内忧外患 也是必然
反映毛泽东模式根本走不下去 1971年8月 毛泽东南巡与地方领导人谈话 公开与林彪的矛盾 同时宣布“十路斗争” 准备推翻林彪 消息传到林彪 林彪长子 林立国的“小舰队” 仓皇反击 彭德怀和刘少奇的下场大家都知道了 这是本文重头戏的开始
林立果文革期间从北京大学物理系退学参军 1969年任空军司令部副主任空军也是林家军吴法宪控制的地盘之一 林家四只大金刚是空军司令 空军上交的所有文件都必须交给林立果 一切都得向他汇报 林立果此时才24岁
  1. 林立果继承了林彪的敏锐洞察力,察觉到四人帮对林彪小集团的威胁。
  2. 1970年林立果组建了“联合舰队”,大部分成员是空军军官,制定了后来震惊世界的武装政变计划。
  3. 林立果和空军军官在1971年3月21日上海密谋,分析国家层面的情况,认为林彪的势力会逐渐削弱,四人帮的影响力在增强。
  4. 林立果确定了三种可能:林彪“和平继位”,“抢班”,“提前抢班”。
  5. 他们提出了两个策略:维护林彪的“首席”地位,或直接刺杀毛泽东。但由于毛泽东影响力和威望较大,尽量不进行暗杀。
  6. 他们决定拟定“571计划”,让空军四军组成“教学组”,以武装起义的形式反抗四人帮。
  7. “571工程”是真实的历史事实,文件后来由毛泽东传给全国,有证据证明。
可以说是年轻有成 林立果继承了林彪的敏锐洞察力 他察觉到林彪小集团面对的是四人帮 会有不可预测的风险 所以他在1970年组建了所谓的“联合舰队” 其大部分 成员是解放军空军军官 并制定了后来震惊世界的武装政变计划 【“571工程”概要】这个571工程不是道听途说 不是谣言 这是真实的历史事实
文件后来由毛亲自传给全国 百度百科上还挂着据林立果未婚妻张宁后来回忆 60年代后期北京太子党流行披头士唱片 林立果也是这支乐队的粉丝 这跟颓废有关 当时反抗西方资本主义的生活 明显不合时宜 当时还是文化大革命的高潮 许多人被批斗入狱 社会治安很混乱
早在1971年3月21日,林立果就与周宇驰等空军司令部的亲信在上海密谋,他们分析情况认为,在国家层面,林彪的势力虽然目前占据绝对优势,但可能会逐渐削弱。 四人帮“文人势力”发展迅速 毛泽东用张春桥取代林彪的可能性很大 根据官方史料 林立国认为目前有三种可能
一是林彪“和平继位” 二是林彪“抢班” 三是林彪“提前抢班” 对此他们提出了两个策略 一是张春桥一伙维护林彪的“首席” 》 地位再次和平过渡 第二次直接刺杀毛泽东 但毛泽东在全国仍有很大的影响力和威望 政治后果不好处理
尽量不进行暗杀 所以他们决定先拟定一个方案 让空军四军组成“教学组” 林立果确认这个方案的名称是“571计划” 571是 也是武装起义的谐音 根据纪要,林立国等人拟定了八种暗杀毛的方法,包括炸火车、炸铁路桥、使用喷火器以及直接用手枪射击等
简单说一下这个总结总结分九章虽然没有明确的政纲但是是对毛的讨伐这些关键点和邓后来审判四人帮如出一辙例如纪要说内部矛盾 统治集团尖锐 国民经济停滞 群众生活水平下降 不满情绪高涨 敢怒不敢言 统治集团高层腐败无能
毛泽东好景不长 急不可耐地筹办后事 与其被抓,不如渡过难关 社会主义制度受到严重威胁 托洛茨基集团任意篡改马克思列宁主义 为自己服务 利益蒙蔽了中国人的思想 他们的革命目标实际上是中国人 不同意他们的是军队和人民 他们的社会主义本质是社会法西斯主义 他们让中国人自相残杀
把国家变成封建专制和专制宗法制度 纪要还说毛滥用了中国人民对他的信任 实际上他已经变成了当代的秦始皇 我们应该对中国人民和历史负责 他不是一个真正的 马列主义 但披着马列主义的皮 历史上最大的暴君 秦始皇法制 农民缺衣少食 青年知识分子下乡 红卫兵被他们蒙骗利用
后来他成了他的替罪羊 充当炮灰 他利用封建帝王的权力 煽动干部斗干部 群众斗群众 制造矛盾 制造分裂 为了达到他分而治之维护统治的目的 他今天追求的男人明天他将以莫须有的罪名被处死他把他的亲密战友和亲密伙伴送进监狱连他自己的儿子都被逼疯了他是一个怀疑论者是一个虐待狂他对整个人的哲学是无所事事但无休止
整个人要死才停下来 毫不夸张地说,林立国的会议纪要前所未有的犀利 对毛的理解也是极其深刻的 尤其是文革期间,个人崇拜高潮时期 对毛形象的破坏性极强 对于 广大干部“体制内” 体制外、体制外的知识分子更是如此 当然林立国那边也并不高尚
  1. 1976年四五运动期间,林彪造反,呼喊"秦皇时代一去不复返,我们要真正的马克思列宁主义"
  2. 1971年9月12日,毛泽东决定推翻林彪,林彪等人在北戴河突然冲出
  3. 林彪集团策划的政变正式结束,飞机坠毁,机上人员全部遇难
  4. 林彪死后被中国驻蒙古大使馆仓促安葬,林彪事件对毛泽东打击很大
  5. 毛病重,林彪死讯才传遍全国
  6. 后来有学者认为林彪软弱无志,被林立果密谋反对
  7. 从林氏那里抄的笔记表明毛对林彪并没有强烈的不满,飞机突然掉头飞向蒙古南下。

充其量只是造反前的一次政治动员 有趣的是,后来虽然周恩来等人极力劝阻,毛还是坚持要印制并向全国散发纪要 追究其原因 现在大多数人都认为毛对他的路线很有信心 认为这是诽谤而不是揭穿 抓住实锤来证明林彪造反的真实性 但是发行确实给了党内外人们强烈的震撼和启示
1976年四五运动期间 呼喊“秦皇时代一去不复返 我们要真正的马克思列宁主义” 受总结影响的痕迹相当明显 1971年9月12日 决定推翻林彪的毛泽东结束南巡 北京提前到达北戴河 林彪等人未得到通知 林立果得知消息心情不妙 立即乘坐三叉戟从北京飞抵北戴河 当晚23时 林彪叶群 林立果等人突然冲出 自驾北戴河
大巴经国道抵达山海关机场 命令飞机强行起飞 飞机先往大同方向飞 折返蒙古 然后在蒙古温都尔汗坠毁 不明原因 机上人员全部遇难 至此 林彪集团策划的政变正式结束 林彪死后被中国驻蒙古大使馆仓促安葬 目前林彪遗体还没有运回国 林彪事件对毛泽东打击很大
毕竟接班人要造反也是对自己治国路线的否定 之后毛“病重” 直到20多天后,林彪的死讯才传遍全国 国家 9月13日事件已经过去50年 后来有学者认为林彪软弱无志 林立果在不知情的情况下密谋反对他 完全被他的妻儿胁迫
后来从林氏那里抄的一些笔记 对毛并没有强烈的不满 只有一些“不说假话的人就倒下”以及“克己礼让”等字眼 后来还说飞机居然突然掉头了 并飞到蒙古南下 这是林彪的命令 林彪并不想谋反 简而言之,事件仍有很多疑点 但理论上像林彪、薄熙来这样的权势人物 尽享荣华富贵
无需生死搏斗 但政治斗争的残酷 以及个人的野心无人能估量 也是历史上所有封建王朝的必然 林彪倒台后 牵连的人很多 除了 林彪的小圈子还有武汉军区司令员刘峰、中共中央副主席李德生林彪也被开除出十大元帅不过林彪在党内的名声还不算太差
尤其是在仇毛的邓大臣中 2007年建军80周年前夕,林彪的照片时隔30年首次出现在军事博物馆 并且按照十大元帅正确排名第三的林彪是 也是各种历史剧中的正面形象 以上为林彪集团政变全实录 欢迎点赞订阅 谢谢 


Welcome to a channel that takes you to read the world Not long ago we talked about the whole process of Bo Xilai's coup In fact there was another coup in the history after the founding of the People's Republic of China That is the coup of Lin Biao's clique It is much more thrilling than Bo Xilai's version Today let's find out The contents of this article are all later collations of historical materials I mentioned in Chiang Kai-shek's video of losing the mainland
Lin Biao was the first leading leader of the Chinese Communist Party during the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party Lin Biao was defeated in the Northeast by Sun Liren of the New Army the God of War of the National Army Retreat to the North Bank of Songhua River After that Lin Biao regrouped And obtained the Japanese heavy artillery equipment handed over by the Soviet Union Later Lin Biao traveled all the way from Heilongjiang which was minus 30 degrees Hit Hainan Island 40 degrees above zero
Great reversal of the Civil War In the Liao-Shen-Ping-Jin Campaign Lin Biao's troops often wiped out their opponents at a ratio of one to ten It can be called a miracle in military history Lin Biao graduated from Huangpu Phase IV in his early years He took part in the Nanchang Uprising and the Northern Expedition After the Sino-Japanese War broke out Lin Biao was appointed commander of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army He led his troops to the Pingxingguan Campaign Later he went to the Soviet Union to recover from a gunshot wound to his spine
From then on Lin Biao formed the problem of being afraid of wind water light and cold That is severe autonomic nerve disorder Lin Biao's public images always look sick Because he needs a lifelong injection of anesthesia to relieve pain During his recovery in the Soviet Union Lin Biao once again exerted his talent for military command Accurately predicted Hitler's attack on France by bypassing Maginot Line And bypassing Ukraine to attack Moscow directly It was highly valued by the Soviets
Chiang Kai-shek Calls Lin Contemporary Han Xin After the founding of the People's Republic of China Lin Biao served as vice chairman of the Military Commission and vice premier of the country In 1950 Mao Zedong proposed Lin Biao to take the lead in North Korea Lin Biao all said he was ill and refused He said that China had just been liberated Victory is not easy to come by Can't get burned He thought it was Stalin's instigation However Maureen's relationship has always been very strong
In his early years in Jinggangshan Lin Biao is a faction of Mao In 1929 the 7th National Congress of the Fourth Red Army Mao Zedong and Zhu De Break Divergence Zhu De Opposes Mao's View of "Party Governing Everything" But Lin Biao supported Mao It was not long before Mao Lin entered the leadership of the Fourth Red Army at the same time So Mao always took Lin Biao as his own In 1955 the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China Mao Zedong was elected chairman of the Party by a unanimous vote
And Mao's own vote was for Lin Biao This shows the close relationship between the two But Lin Biao's health is really bad Always live in seclusion Although the position has been promoted However he basically did not actively work in his post Beidaihe Conference in 1957 Mao Zedong set the goal of doubling steel production and the people's commune This set the main tone for the Great Leap Forward in the next three years I also mentioned in the mystery of China's economic rise
The Great Leap Forward led to a sharp drop in grain output It directly led to the Great Famine for the next three years 1959 Peng Dehuai wrote to Mao Zedong at Lushan Meeting Criticize the mistakes of the Great Leap Forward At the meeting Peng Dehuai also appeared angry and scolding the mother There are also rumors that Mao has always hated Peng's failure to protect Mao Anying in North Korea Subsequently the "Peng Huang Zhang Zhou Anti-Party Group" was taken down Lin Biao succeeded Peng Dehuai as defense minister
Vice Chairman of the First Military Commission And began to subordinate Li Zuopeng Qiu Huizuo Huang Yongsheng and others Placed in an important position in the army During his tenure as Minister of Defense Lin Biao Insists on Developing Military Science and Technology In 1961 Zhang Aiping reported his work to Lin Biao Said some central leaders demanded to dismount the atomic bomb Lin Biao Instructs Atomic Bomb to Continue 1962 was the last year of a three-year famine It was also the most miserable year
Hunger is everywhere in the country Mao Zedong was forced to take a back seat Organized by President Liu Shaoqi However Mao has always served as party chairman January 1962 CPC Central Committee Convenes Enlarged Work Conference Also known as the 7 000-member conference The meeting was full of voices of review Lin Biao made a speech without manuscript at this time He said that these difficulties were precisely due to We did not follow Chairman Mao's ideas Chairman Mao's ideas are always correct
But some of our comrades say they are carrying out Chairman Mao's instructions Actually it's gone Mao who was originally unhappy below praised Lin Biao on the spot After that Mao Zedong took advantage of the mass rebellion movement A big-character poster Guns Hit "Liu Deng Command" Deng was dismissed from office Liu Shaoqi was dubbed a worker thief traitor and the number one capitalist roader Later he died tragically in Kaifeng Liu Deng is really wronged They just want to recover the national economy early from their madness
The Cultural Revolution began in 1966 Mao Successfully Seizes Power from Liu Deng Lin Biao Begins to Engage in Personality Worship He called "Chairman Mao a genius Every word Chairman Mao said is true " At the Third Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee in 1966 Lin Biao's Party Ranking Rise from Sixth to Second Nominated as the sole Vice-Chairman Under one person and over ten thousand people Long live Chairman Mao Vice Chairman Lin's health has always become the mantra of the whole nation
As we said earlier Lin Biao's health is really bad He may not be really ambitious to succeed him Once he accompanied Mao to Jinshui Bridge to meet the Red Guards Can hardly walk back At the Ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 1969 Formally joined in the Party Constitution "Comrade Lin Biao belongs to Comrade Mao Zedong The words "close comrades and successors" At this time Mao was 76 years old Lin Biao is only 62 years old However the good times did not last long
Since ancient times kings have been suspicious Maureen began to estranged from each other At the same time of "overthrowing Liu Deng" The Gang of Four Rise Rapidly Become Mao's Red Man They regard Lin Biao Group as a thorn in the side This successor infighting is also somewhat similar to Bo Xilai's version According to the documents written by Hu Qiaomu Mao Zedong's secretary After the 9th National Congress Mao Zedong and Vice Premier Zhang Chunqiao Go to Suzhou to visit Lin Biao who is recovering from illness
During the dinner Mao asked Lin Biao "I am old You're in poor health Who are you going to give the shift to in the future " Mao Jianlin did not say a word and asked "What do you think of Xiao Zhang " This sudden question left Lin Biao at a loss as to how to answer it This is the beginning of the Maureen estrangement In 1970 Mao Zedong opposed the establishment of the post of president in the constitution By Lin Biao Zhou Enlai Philippine Marie Baudry and others collective opposition
One of Lin Biao's Four Donkey Kong Air Force Commander Wu Faxian It was also because of the conflict between the draft and Zhang Chunqiao At the third Lushan meeting in August Chen Boda the fourth in the party and also a member of the Standing Committee According to Lin Biao's intention the theme of the conference was economic development This is not in harmony with Mao's revolutionary program Chen Boda was Mao's secretary This upset Mao Lin Biao criticized Zhang Chunqiao without naming names during the meeting
Later Wu Faxian Chen Boda Wang Dongxing publicly criticized Zhang Chunqiao It has the support of the majority of the people Many members of the Central Committee mistakenly believe that Mao has given up Zhang And actively loyal to Mao Zedong and Lin Biao Mao's other favorite Xu Shiyou even wrote a letter demanding that Zhang Chunqiao be reformed through labor The meeting provoked Mao's fury He also started the "Rectification Movement of Criticizing Chen" Lin Biao was also speechless
Lin later asked Mao many times but failed to see him Maureen has been divided ever since Now look back Mao obviously did not like the old prince at that time To establish a new prince That is the red man Zhang Chunqiao Let's take a look at the background at that time Mao was forced to take a back seat after the Great Leap Forward and Famine and was unwilling to do so The Cultural Revolution he launched was not only to regain leadership In order to return to his class revolutionary line
And in the meantime On the surface Lin Biao is engaged in personality worship However he did not show 100% support for Mao's line So Mao thought Lin Biao was unreliable Only the Gang of Four will stick to his line after his death So Mao decided to attack Lin Biao's Military Commission and Lin's wife Ye Qun By the way In fact what happened in the sixties and seventies Natural and man-made disasters internal strife mutiny internal and external troubles It is also a necessity
It reflects that Mao's model cannot go on at all August 1971 Mao Zedong made a tour to the south and talked with local leaders Open his contradiction with Lin Biao At the same time it announced the "10th Route Struggle" Prepare for the overthrow of Lin Biao The news reached Lin Biao Lin Biao's Eldest Son Lin Liguo's "Small Fleet" Trying to fight back in panic After all everyone knows the fate of Peng Dehuai and Liu Shaoqi This is the beginning of the highlight of this article
Lin Liguo dropped out of the physics department of Peking University to join the army during the Cultural Revolution He was appointed Deputy Director of the Air Force Command Office in 1969 The air force is also the territory controlled by the Lin family army Wu Faxian one of the Lins' four donkey kong is the commander of the air force All documents submitted by the Air Force must be handed over by Lin Liguo Everything has to be reported to him Lin Liguo was only 24 years old at this time
It can be said that he is young and successful Lin Liguo inherited Lin Biao's keen insight He noticed that Lin Biao's clique was facing the Gang of Four There will be unpredictable risks So he organized the so-called "Joint Fleet" in 1970 Most of its members are officers of the PLA Air Force And formulated the plan of an armed coup that shocked the world later [Summary of "571 Project"] This 571 project is not hearsay It's not a rumor This is a real historical fact
The document was later personally conveyed to the whole country by Mao It is still hanging on Baidu Encyclopedia According to Lin Liguo's fiancee Zhang Ning's later memory Late 1960s Beijing princelings pop Beatles records Lin Liguo is also a fan of this band This is related to the decadent life that resisted Western capitalism at that time Obviously out of place At that time it was still at the height of the Cultural Revolution Many people were criticized and imprisoned The social order is very chaotic
As early as March 21 1971 Lin Liguo together with Zhou Yuchi and other close associates of the Air Force Command conspired in Shanghai They analysed the situation It is believed that at the national level Although Lin Biao's power currently occupies an absolute advantage But may gradually weaken The "literati power" of the Gang of Four is developing rapidly It is very likely that Mao will replace Lin Biao with Zhang Chunqiao According to official historical records Lin Liguo believes that there are currently three possibilities
One is Lin Biao's "Peaceful Succession" Second Lin Biao was "robbed of his class" Third Lin Biao "robbed the class ahead of time" In response they put forward two strategies The first one was Zhang Chunqiao and his gang Maintain Lin Biao's "Chief" Status Peaceful Transition Again The second direct assassination of Mao Zedong However Mao Zedong still has great influence and prestige throughout the country The political consequences are not easy to handle
As far as possible no assassination will be carried out So they decided to draw up a plan first And let the four armies of the air force form a "teaching team" Lin Liguo confirmed that the name of the plan was "571 Project" 571 is also a homophonic word for armed uprising According to the Minutes Lin Liguo and others planned eight methods to assassinate Mao This includes bombing trains or railway bridges Use of flamethrower As well as direct shooting with pistols etc
Let's briefly talk about this summary The summary is divided into nine chapters Although there is no clear political platform But it was a crusade against Mao These critical points are exactly the same as Deng's later trial of the Gang of Four For example the minutes said Contradictions within the ruling clique are sharp Stagnation of the national economy The living standard of the masses has declined Growing discontent Dare to be angry and dare not speak Corruption and incompetence at the top of the ruling clique
Mao has not been in good times for long Be impatient to arrange things for the funeral It is better to cross the Rubicon than to be caught helplessly Our socialist system is under serious threat The Trotskyist clique is tampering with Marxism-Leninism at will Serve their own interests Hoodwinked the Chinese people's thoughts Their revolutionary target is actually the Chinese people It is the army and people who disagree with them Their socialist essence is social fascism They let the Chinese kill each other
Turn the country into a feudal autocratic and autocratic patriarchal system The minutes also said Mao abused the trust given to him by the Chinese people In fact he has become the contemporary Qin Shihuang We should be responsible to the Chinese people and history He is not a true Marxist-Leninist But on the skin of Marxism-Leninism The greatest tyrant in history who followed the law of Qin Shihuang Farmers are short of food and clothing Young Intellectuals Go to the Countryside The Red Guards were deceived and used by them
Later he became his scapegoat Act as cannon fodder He used the power of feudal emperors Stirring up cadres to fight against cadres The masses fight against the masses Create contradictions Create a split In order to achieve his divide-and-conquer The purpose of maintaining rule The man he's wooing today Tomorrow he will be killed on trumped-up charges He sent his close comrades and close associates to prison Even his own son was driven crazy He's a skeptic a sadist His philosophy of whole people is to do nothing but endlessly
Put the whole person to death before he stops It is no exaggeration to say that Lin Liguo's Minutes Are Unprecedented Sharp The understanding of Mao is also extremely profound Especially during the Cultural Revolution and the climax of personality cult It is extremely destructive to Mao's image For the vast number of cadres "within the system" This is especially true for intellectuals outside the system and outside the system Of course Lin Liguo's side is not noble either
At best it was only a political mobilization before the rebellion Interestingly Later although Zhou Enlai and others tried their best to dissuade Mao still insisted on printing and distributing the minutes to the whole country Investigate its reason Now most people think Mao was very confident about his route Think this is slander rather than debunk And to seize the real hammer to prove the authenticity of Lin Biao's rebellion However the distribution did give people inside and outside the Party a strong shock and enlightenment
During the Fourth Five-Year Movement in 1976 There is a cry out "Qin Huang era will never return We want true Marxism-Leninism The traces affected by the summary are quite obvious 12 September 1971 Mao who decided to overthrow Lin Biao ended his southern tour of Beijing ahead of schedule Lin Biao and others in Beidaihe were not notified Lin Liguo felt bad when he got the news Immediately fly from Beijing to Beidaihe by Trident At 23 o'clock that night Lin Biao Ye Qun Lin Liguo and others suddenly rushed out of Beidaihe by car
The bus arrived at Shanhaiguan Airport via the national highway Order a plane to take off forcibly The plane first flew in the direction of Datong Turn back into Mongolia Then it crashed in Windul Khan Mongolia for unknown reasons All the people on board were killed So far the coup planned by Lin Biao Group has officially ended Lin Biao was hastily buried by the Chinese Embassy in Mongolia after his death At present Lin Biao's remains have not yet returned home The Lin Biao incident dealt a great blow to Mao
After all the successor wants to rebel It is also a negation of one's own line of governing the country After that Mao "suffered a serious illness" It was not until more than 20 days later that the news of Lin Biao's death was released to the whole country Fifty years have passed since the September 13 incident Later some scholars believed that Lin Biao was weak and had no ambition Lin Liguo conspired against him without knowing it Completely coerced by his wife and children
Later some notes copied from the Lins There is no strong dissatisfaction with Mao Only some "whoever doesn't tell lies will fall " As well as the words "self-denial and courtesy" Later it was also said that the plane actually suddenly turned around and flew south in Mongolia This is an order from Lin Biao Lin Biao did not want to commit treason In short there are still many doubts about the incident But in theory Powerful people like Lin Biao and Bo Xilai Enjoy all the splendor and wealth
There is no need to fight for life and death However the cruelty of political struggle As well as personal ambition no one can estimate It is also the inevitability of all feudal dynasties in history After the downfall of Lin Biao Many people have been implicated In addition to Lin Biao's clique It also includes Liu Feng commander of the Wuhan Military Region and Li Desheng vice chairman of the CPC Central Committee Lin Biao was also removed from the top ten marshals However Lin Biao's reputation in the party is not too bad
Especially among Deng courtiers who hated Mao On the eve of the 80th anniversary of the founding of the army in 2007 Lin Biao's photo appeared in the Military Museum for the first time in 30 years And correctly ranked third according to the top ten marshals Lin Biao is also a positive image in various historical plays The above is the full record of the coup by Lin Biao Group Welcome to praise and subscribe thank you



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